April 2013 ~ myTechpartner Join Me On Facebook
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Tuesday 30 April 2013

Samsung Galaxy S 4 Has Arrived in 60 Countries


South Korean mobile phone maker Samsung Electronics has started selling its latest flagship Android
smartphone over the weekend, and confirmed that the device is already available in
60 countries around the world.
The smartphone has been released in the United States, Germany, France, and the UK, as well as 56 other countries,

and is expected to arrive in many more before the end of this quarter.In fact, the handset vendor had previously
confirmed that the Galaxy S 4 would land on shelves at 327 operators in 155 countries, a recent article on yonhapnews reads.
The new Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean mobile phone should help Samsung better compete with Apple’s iPhone, as well as with

other high-end smartphones from rival vendors. Previous estimations suggested Samsung would ship over 10 million Galaxy S 4
units before the end of April, yet the smartphone is already seeing delays in some areas.

How to Increase Size of Local Disk C

How to Increase Size of Local Disk C Yes i know every one have this problem because of large installation file decrease your disk size here i give simple way to increase the size. Step 1: Right click on my computer –>select manage Step 2: Select Storage->Disk Management clip_image002 If you right click the C disk partition the extend volume not highlighted, it is because there is no unallocated free space in your hard disk. For allocating new space you either shrink any disk volume or delete a volume that exists in your hard disk. Here I merge (D :) drives to C: Step 3: Right click on D and Select  Delete volume clip_image004 Now volume deleted. Step 4: Again Right click on deleted volume and select->Delete volume Now d is become free allocated space in your hard disk. Step 5: Then right click on c and select->Extend volume Step 6: In the pop up window allocate size you want to increase. Now size of your c drive is extended

Friday 12 April 2013

Quick start: The Blank App Template

We must begin, of course, by paying due homage to the quintessential “Hello World” app, which we can achieve without actually writing any code at all. We simply need to create a new app from a template in Visual Studio:
1. Run Visual Studio Express. If this is your first time, you’ll be prompted to obtain a developer license. Do this, because you can’t go any further without it!
2. Click New Project… in the Visual Studio window, or use the File > New Project menu command.
3. In the dialog that appears, make sure you select JavaScript under Templates on the left side, and then select Blank Application in the middle. Give it a name (Hello World ), a folder, and click OK.
4. After Visual Studio churns for a bit to create the project,
click the Start Debugging button (or press F5, or select the Debug > Start Debugging menu command).
Assuming your installation is good
By default, Visual Studio starts the debugger in local machine mode, which runs the app full screen on your present system.
This has the unfortunate result of hiding the debugger unless you’re on a multi monitor system, in which case you can run
Visual Studio on one monitor and your Windows Store app on the other. Visual Studio offers two other debugging modes
available from the drop-down list on the toolbar or the Debug/[Appname] Properties menu command .
image                image                                        
The Remote Machine option allows you to run the app on a separate device, which is absolutely essential for working with devices that can’t run desktop apps at all, such as ARM devices (and if you see only this option with a sample project, the build target is probably set to ARM).  Also, when you don’t have a project loaded in Visual Studio, the Debug menu offers the Attach To Process command, which allows you to debug an already-running app.The Simulator is also very interesting, really the most interesting option in my mind and a place I imagine you’ll be spending plenty of time. It duplicates your environment inside a new login session and allows you to control device orientation, set various screen resolutions and scaling factors, simulate touch events, and control the data returned by geolocation APIs.
Hello World running in the simulator

Monday 8 April 2013

Windows 8 app creation Tool Box

Simply Drag and drop into your design forum to create
text box,button,list view,  Label,


Windows 8 Simple App

Simple windows app creation using Visual Studio
Click on new project: Select your Programming languages

Create your ideas:



• Variables may be tagged as constants (final
• Variables may be initialized at creation time
– final variables must be initialized at creation time
• Objects are variables in Java and must be
dynamically allocated with the new keyword.
– E.g., a = new ClassA();
• Objects are freed by assigning them to null, or when
they go out of scope (automatic garbage collection).
– E.g., a = null;
int n = 1;
char ch = ‘A’;
String s = “Hello”;
Long L = new Long(100000);
boolean done = false;
final double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
Employee joe = new Employee();
char [] a = new char[3];
Vector v = new Vector();
Pointers & References Variables
• Java does not support pointers.
• All variables are passed by value except
• Java classes either:
– Reference an object (new keyword)
– Alias an object (assign to another object)

• Java supports many ways to construct
expressions (in precedence order):
– ++,-- Auto increment/decrement
– +,- Unary plus/minus
– *,/ Multiplication/division
– % Modulus
– +,- Addition/subtraction
Assignment Operators
• Assignment may be simple
– x = y
• Or fancy with the following operators:
– *=, /=
– %=
– +=, -=
– &= (bitwise AND)
– |= (bitwise OR)
– ^= (bitwise exclusive OR)
Conditional Logic
• Conditional logic in Java is performed with the
if statement.
• Unlike C++ a logic expression does not
evaluate to 0 (FALSE) and non-0 (TRUE), it
evaluates to either true or false
• true, false are values of the boolean data
• Building compound conditional statements
– && (And), || (Or), ! (Not), <, >, ==, !=, <=, >=, etc.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Binary Search

import java.io.*;
class binarysearch
         public static void main(String arg[]) throws Exception
                  BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                  System.out.println("How many elements");
                  int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
                  int a[]=new int[n];
                  System.out.println("Enter the array elements");
                  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
                 int mid,top,bott;
                 System.out.println("Enter the key elements");
                 int d=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
                          System.out.println("Element found at"+(mid+1));
To run this follow steps in previews post:

Java JDK Installation & Path setting

jdk-6-windows-i586.exe installation step:

First all of you must download the  jdk-6-windows-i586.exe
you can download this from here:    images1
After downloading
1. run jdk-6-windows-i586.exe
2. After completion of installation
3. path setting for jdk
4. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java
5.copy the location  C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0\lib
1)right click on my computer select properties     2)  click Advance system setting                                       3)  click   Environment variables
image                      image                     image

4) click new                                                                           5) Type like as below and paste link                                       6) ok
image                            image

7)  also set path                                                           8) ok      9)  ok

10) Open cmd  and type javac
11) successfully set java path in your systemOpen-mouthed smile

Linear search

import java.io.*;
class linear
public static void main(String arg[]) throws Exception
  BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
  System.out.println("How many elements");
  int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
  int a[]=new int[n];
  System.out.println("Enter the elements");
  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
  System.out.println("The array is:");
  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
  System.out.println("Enter the element to be search");
     int k=0;
     int j=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
      System.out.println("Not found");
Follow this step to compile and run your code in CMD
1.Copy this and paste it into notepad and save this as class name(here linear) with extension .java      :- linear.java
  Remember where this file you save.
2. Open cmd and go to the folder ,file that you save linear.java
3.Type    javac linear.java       eg:-D:\ajith_er\labjava>javac linear.java
  if any error that will print on screen
4. then type      java linear     eg:-D:\ajith_er\labjava>java linear
now your program will be start to execute
If any help email me my id: ajitheredacheril@hotmail.com or ajither.9@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                                            by :- aer

Saturday 6 April 2013


Here am introducing not a core java program it only sample programs based on various
data structure in Java .I hope that all of you following this.
Sample programs:
1. Searching
3.Linked list

Will be published soon Stay for new updates

Thursday 4 April 2013

Java Code


Coming  soon Java Coding





  import java.io.*;

class hello


     public static void main(String arg[])





Output: Hello

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Share Content

Share Content
A new feature add to Office 13 that is a share content in the log on page, This contains 1. Invite peoples 2. Email 3. Present Online 4. Post to blog clip_image002 1) Invite People Step 1: Save your document to a SkyDrive location Step 2: Share your document. We’ll do this after you’ve finished saving. clip_image004 2) Email clip_image006 3) Present Online clip_image008 4) Post to Blog clip_image010

Live with Office 13

Just a one click to create  any document  ,more than 30 templates are already loaded with this version that are needed for your
work. And more templates are available on online they load  when you connected to the internet.

Templates(Along with Office 13)
1. Blank document                        2. Adjacency Letter           3. Adjacency Merge Letter               4. Adjacency Report 
5. Adjacency Resume                  6. Apothecary Letter        7. Apothecary Merge Letter             8. Apothecary Newsletter
9. Apothecary Resume               10. Black Tie Letter            11. Black Tie Merge Letter                12. Black Tie Newsletter
13. Black Tie Resume                   14. Chronological letter   15. Chronological Resume                16. Equity Fax
17. Equity Letter                             18. Equity Merge Fax         19. Equity Merge Letter                     20. Equity Report

Monday 1 April 2013

Amazing new look of MS OFFICE 2013

ppt                                               w1                               xl1                          
MS Office 2013 released ,it much user friendly than all other previews versions of MS Office .Download Here  image
Great better look than older versions, Easy to accesses and handle. Your office experience can be improved by this version . 
Starting page of new Office

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